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Comprised of six custom-made aluminum rings equipped with 27,000 RGB pixels, Polynode: Cycles traces points of light as they move around a circle. The mathematics of circular movement are foundational to the understanding of both time and sound, giving rise to concepts like periodic motion, wave motion, and harmonic oscillation. Since sound is a type of wave, the math of circular motion helps explain how sound waves behave.
Lumus Instruments has translated their research into the micro and macroscopic implications of orbital motion — from celestial bodies to quantum physics — into a hypnotic installation that makes evident the relationship between circular motion and rhythm, pitch, and loudness.

Lumus Instruments
Lumus Instruments is a multidisciplinary studio that experiments with the physical manifestation of computational technology. The studio is directed by Timo Lejeune and Julius Oosting, who are both driven by the process of making and the search for synergetic design principles.
With the notion of “experience as the ultimate reality”, they artificially craft experiences that give rise to a sense of timelessness and radical realism. This results in installations that create a sense of future through the experience of now.